Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients acheive the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

Terry is very professional, very knowledgeable and was a pleasure to work with!

- James MacKenzie
Bloomington, IN | April 03, 2017

I cannot say enough good things about Terry & Lisa. They went above and beyond to help us with our financing. Great people! I highly recommend them.

- Rick Donella
Bloomington, IN | April 03, 2017

Have had nothing but great experiences with them. They’ve done fantastic work for myself and everyone that I’ve referred to them.

- Dave Dwinell
Bloomington, IN | April 03, 2017

I had a great experience purchasing my first home. Terry & Lisa made me feel comfortable about taking a big step in my life. I highly recommend them!

- Ron Martin
Bloomington, IN | April 03, 2017

Terry & Lisa came highly recommended to us by a friend when we were moving to Bloomington. Two mortgages and one refinance later, we have not been disappointed! They are knowledgeable of all options, timely in all their communications, diligent in finding the best product for you, and personable in their customer care. If you are looking for professionalism with a personal touch, talk to Terry and Lisa.

- Eric Edwards
Bloomington, IN | April 03, 2017

If it wasn’t for Lisa helping me and fighting for me, I wouldn’t have gotten my first home. This is a lady that cares about what she does!

- Courtney Finney
Bloomington, IN | April 03, 2017

These two are absolutely amazing to have on your side. They are so good at what they do, they make it non stressful and actually an enjoyable experience. They are the power lenders in Indiana - if they can't get you qualified nobody can!!

- Jeanice Chastain
Bloomington, IN | December 08, 2017

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